A bioclimatic project that gives a strong place to reuse as well as intelligent and shared spaces.
Urban Oasis
Housing, shops
Meudon-sur-Seine, France
3,650 m²
Bechu & Associés
Integrate 10% of materials from reuse or incorporating secondary raw materials into the new project implement zero final waste management to achieve 90% material recovery of construction site waste, limit and manage end-of-site waste, nf habitat, hqe, cerqual.
Urban oasis is an operation whose physical size is enthusiastically driven by the environmental ambition given to it.
Reuse is highlighted and promoted the choice of materials combines several requirements.
Innovative and connected services for the residence and housing
In addition to this shared space, our project enhances an entire connected "smart" infrastructure that serves the residence, as a whole, and each dwelling.
A "extra room" at the service of the residence in addition to the shops and service spaces open to the residence and the public, we have designed a new hybrid and shared space. This one that we have named #hometogether, to refer to the hashtag strongly shared on social networks during the lockdown in spring 2020, is an "extra room" put at the service of the residence community. It can be managed and animated by an animation committee defined by the co-ownership, and can also operate in connection with local associations, so that events are regularly held there.
- Yoga classes at lunchtime, tasting events in the evening, readings,...
- During the week and at defined hours in the morning and afternoon, it offers a teleworking setting close to home, without necessarily being at home. Reservation of places is done through the residence's application. Managed by the co-ownership and animated thanks to the social network of the whole, this unique 73 m² space offers different uses:
- Connected locker furniture type locktec or sdlocker to receive parcels.
- A co-working space with a reservation system orchestrated by the residence's social network, which allows everyone to reserve a place to telework close to home, without the constraint of being at home.
- Why not also solidarity sorting of clean waste (batteries, light bulbs,...) to further encourage each resident to sort by valuing their action with a solidarity gesture, as does for example the start-up lemon tri.
The "smart" at the service of uses and environmental efficiency of the residence.
With "smart uses", we have entered into a dynamic of strong innovation, and we have committed to respect the principles of openness and interoperability "ready to services" of the smart building alliance. We wish to implement flexible, modular, secure and sustainable buildings. The main objective of this approach is to ensure that residents will be able, at the time of delivery but also in the following years, to benefit from all innovative digital solutions and access the most current services in a sustainable, evolving way, without integration or compatibility issues. From delivery, the building will be equipped with numerous smart home and smart building services.
- Smart communication network dedicated to the building,
- Intelligent and connected functions in the dwellings,
- Solutions for measuring, displaying and controlling energy consumption,
- Bouquets of services available on a secure and modular platform.
The proposed approach consists of implementing interoperable equipment in the dwellings and common areas, connected to a modular service platform. A secure network will be implemented to support both building services and those accessible in the dwellings. This ip network will allow all connectivity needs to be pooled in a single architecture. This architecture will ensure scalability by allowing the co-ownership to deploy new services that will emerge in the future, all at a lower cost.
Innovative housing.
Comfortable, energy efficient and secure, the dwellings will be equipped with a flexible, scalable and interoperable smart home solution that consists of the following functions:
- Management of the dwelling's heating to obtain the right temperature at the right time. This function is optimized by the artificial intelligence algorithms of the agrid company (taking into account the learning of the dwelling's thermal behavior, occupancy, natural solar gains, meteorological factors, solar masks...).
- Control of all the dwelling's shutters with centralized commands (open / close all shutters or those in the living area, automatic closing at certain hours, presence simulation) which allows to best isolate the dwellings during periods of absence and thus improve energy efficiency.
- Activation of connected sockets allows to control various equipment and notably avoid standby device consumption.
- Energy consumption: residents visualize their consumption in detail (water, heating, electricity) in order to become aware of actions that can have a real impact on reducing their energy expenses. All ensuring compliance with RE2020.
- Measurement of humidity and CO2 level with recommendation of concrete actions to maintain air quality in the dwellings.
- The alarm: opening detector on the door, siren and camera.
- Smart watering: watering of rooftop green spaces is managed by an intelligent system that avoids waste by providing the necessary amount of water according to meteorological factors: temperature, rainfall...
- A general switch at the entrance of the dwelling allows the execution of centralization commands (for example, i'm leaving: close the shutters, turn off the socket, lower the heating).
- The entire installation can be controlled from a smartphone application. A connected tablet equipped with a voice assistant is also included in the offer allowing voice control of all the dwelling's smart services and access to various additional services: weather, video conferencing, music, cooking recipes...
- The digital notebook is set up to make accessible on smartphone, all the equipment notices of the dwelling, maintenance advice and monitoring of interventions in the residence. The installation can be easily enriched with additional functions such as: control of lights or entrance lock, monitoring of domestic risks (smoke, flood)...
A residence that connects its residents.
The chosen solution offers occupants a bouquet of services allowing to create connections between residents and facilitate their daily life :
- An information screen at the foot of the building, displaying information about the life of the residence, transport, outdoor air quality or news from the city of meudon.
- An exchange platform between residents: social network of the residence, events in the building, exchange of goods and services, management of the shared space #hometogether.
- A platform facilitating exchanges with the building manager: incident reporting and monitoring of their resolutions limiting multiple declarations and facilitating communication.
- Shared management of parking spaces: offers residents who wish to simply make their parking space available to their neighbors or merchants housed within the residence.
- Connected parcel boxes allow receiving bulky parcels safely without being present at home, sharing goods between neighbors and promote short circuits with local merchants (dry cleaning, organic basket..).
- Video intercom with call forwarding allows answering from your phone remotely to open to a delivery person or a friend (comelit type offer).
- Access to buildings and parking lots are equipped with a video surveillance solution to secure property and people.
Implementation of "smart" and appropriation by future residents.
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