Set of 3 major operations in the heart of Paris in the Europe district near Saint-Lazare station.
officesrenovationurban planninghousing
Saint-Lazare district
Generali, Financière Rive Gauche Scor Auber et Unimo
Set of 3 major operations in the heart of Paris
Paris, France
surface area
81,000 m²
Bechu & Associés
Tivoli complex
First part of a set of 3 major operations in the heart of Paris in the Europe district near Saint-Lazare station.
On a former drained marshland, the Porcherons had a fortress erected in 1310 between what would much later become 75 and 91 rue de Londres. The Lecoq family, ennobled in 1363, developed a fief around it over which they reigned until the Revolution. From 1804, under the impetus of Haguerman and Mignon, the place gave birth to the Europe district where streets were opened with names of European cities, such as rue de Londres or rue de Tivoli (renamed d'Athènes in 1881) in 1826. From the inauguration in 1843 of the current Saint-Lazare station, railway companies gradually replaced the bathhouses and the Tivoli garden. In 1866, the Paris to Lyon and Mediterranean Railway Company built its headquarters on one hectare, with the monumental porch at 88 rue Saint-Lazare, flanked by two rental buildings, framing the symmetrical composition of the courtyard of honor. Seduced by the relevant and noble hierarchy of the original building, the architect restores the whole in its integrity by removing parasitic constructions and rebuilding identically the east wing on the garden side under which he slips an auditorium. Occupying half of the plot, the green space is recomposed in terraces in the spirit of Tivoli to reveal with refinement its north/south slope. On one side, the boardroom and the presidential lounges regain their former splendor and the disappeared decorations are restored here and there. On the other, all buildings are brought up to standard around a garden regulating the differences in level following a rigorous geometric layout.
London Clichy
Second part of a set of 3 major operations in the heart of Paris in the Europe district near Saint-Lazare station.
While respecting the strong cultural identity of the place, Anthony Bechu's winning project adapts them to their future purpose by making them an efficient tool serving today's business. Realigned in relation to the splendid courtyard of honor seen through the triple arcades of the ground floor reception hall, the inner courtyard is laterally delimited by two symmetrical bodies whose modern two-level arcature supports the restored old facade. Their meeting and conference rooms overlook three thematic gardens set in a teak perimeter giving this central parterre the appearance of a contemporary beguinage. The high stone rusticated base of 15 bis rue de Clichy has been opened following the molding of the upper part to illuminate the offices. At 3 rue d'Athènes, the erasure of the facade having revealed an unexpected Venetian-style decor, its marble marquetry, acanthus leaves, faun masks and lion muzzles have been meticulously restored.
London Athens
Third part of a set of 3 major operations in the heart of Paris in the Europe district near Saint-Lazare station.
Of the five private mansions built between 1826 and 1831 on the site of the current 16, 16 bis and 18 rue de Londres and 7 and 5 rue d'Athènes, only the main building of the latter remains, clumsily raised in 1950. Those on rue de Londres were rebuilt respectively in 1880, 1898 and 1926, the first for Crédit de France being an interesting example of late 19th century banking architecture. Through successive transfers and buyouts, the plots were united and the existing buildings raised while courtyards and gardens disappeared in favor of a seven-story building in the heart of the block. Now owned by Generali, the whole required a complete overhaul aimed at enhancing the architectural heritage deserving it and stitching together styles and scales, even if it meant demolishing the irreparable to better rebuild. The 5 rue d'Athènes regains its original morphology and, at the rear, a terrace on a planted flowerbed. Its ceremonial salon is restored, as are the boardroom and the stucco grand staircase of 16 rue de Londres, whose magnificent hall is extended on the garden side by a restaurant and meeting spaces that join the surprising gallery (1930) of number 18, whose glass block roof is entirely renovated. Completely redistributed, 7 rue d'Athènes develops – through a courtyard bordered by a walkway harmonizing the levels – a connecting building in metal and glass crowned by a terrace. A rotunda – concentrating vertical circulations – articulates it to the rest of the constructions which it unifies while energizing them.
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