Extension into the sea

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An act where man develops the city to preserve nature.

urban planningeco-exemplary

Extension into the sea


Principality of Monaco

Investor: Barwa Real Estate


Extension into the sea of the Principality of Monaco


Principality of Monaco



surface area

275,000 m² GFA

Beach: 5,000 m²

Facilities: 6,500 m²

Flagship facility: 20,000 m²

Predominantly residential real estate: 250,000 m²


Bechu & Associés
Associate architect: Tom Sheehan, Rainer Boisson, Agency Perrot, Agency Jacques Rougerie


HQE certified

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To make possible the development of the Principality in perfect harmony.

To make possible the development of the Principality in perfect harmony with its natural environment and preserving its natural resources. We responded to this challenge with passion to design a new urbanism around a structuring idea: the "calmed sea", to give back to the inhabitants access to the sea. Putting urbanization, architecture and cutting-edge technology at the service of environmental protection: perfect respect for the seabed, mastery of energy issues, HQE buildings...
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Ensure the eco-efficiency of all dimensions and providers of the project.

Ensure the "eco-efficiency" of all dimensions and providers of the project. Our concept draws its fundamental principles from the heart of the natural site, from the morphology of the city, from its history closely linked to the Mediterranean, and from the depths of this bay so rich in its underwater biodiversity. To design a new urbanism, to best respond to the human and environmental challenges posed by the expansion of the Principality, we have mobilized an international and multidisciplinary team, composed of the best experts in their field, passionate about the sea, and inhabited by the same desire to build the Mediterranean future with respect for its history, its identity and its environment.
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We based ourselves on an in-depth analysis and worldwide experience of urbanism and construction at sea.

We based ourselves on an in-depth analysis and worldwide experience of urbanism and construction at sea, research and the latest technological advances in this field. Our approach stems from three axes of reflection:

  • The unique character of the Principality : a natural amphitheater and its founding districts.
  • Sustainable, environmental, economic and social commitment.
  • Invention and innovation.
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