Cité Bergère
BNP Paribas
Restructuring of an office building
Paris, France
33,000 m²
Bechu & Associés
Interior architecture (common areas) : Volume ABC
2008: Constructeo Trophy, category "High-Performance Team Approach in the Rehabilitation or Operation of Commercial Buildings"
© Fernando Javier Urquijo
The contemporary architecture of the project revisits the Parisian Haussmannian style established by Corroyer, and proposes a new design of "stone and steel".
The former headquarters of the Comptoir National d'Escompte de Paris, originally designed by architect Edouard-Jules Corroyer in the late 19th century, is a listed historical monument where the primary focus was to carry out work while respecting the spiritual, cultural, and historical heritage of the building.
The project's contemporary architecture revisits the Parisian Haussmann style established by Corroyer, proposing a new 'stone and steel' design to adapt it to modern lifestyles.
The interior design has been completely reimagined to optimize volume, space, and circulation, and to maximize natural light. This project is the first renovated building in Paris to achieve HQE certification.
Now unsuitable for the needs of users and occupants, the imposing complex requires a complete rehabilitation accompanied by modernization works.
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