In harmony with the existing city
An urban renaissance combining heritage and innovation in the heart of Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Urban metamorphosis, respect for heritage
Pedestrianization, catalyst for urban life
Harmony between past and future

We find there all that makes the charm of the historic city center of Saint-Germain-En-Laye: its pedestrian streets, its human-scale urbanity, the majesty of its heritage buildings and the daily animation that reigns there. An enhancement of the specificity of Saint-Germain's historical heritage that passes through a form of mimicry, which is not a simple imitation.

How did the hospital of Saint-Germain-en-Laye inspire the construction of this new district?
The Clos Saint-Louis project, led by the agency, finds its roots in the history and original vocation of the Saint-Germain-en-Laye hospital. Far from being limited to a simple urban transformation, this project is part of an approach of harmony between heritage and modernity. The hospital, once dedicated to patient well-being, was the starting point for in-depth reflection on how urban space can contribute to the well-being and quality of life of its inhabitants. Thus, the transformation of the hospital district is inspired by this primary desire to place the health center at the heart of the new neighborhood. This integration is based on a dynamic vision of health, including senior residences, quality medical services, a health and wellness spa, as well as a unit dedicated to people with disabilities, all supported by the major player in the medical world, ORPEA. However, the project goes beyond simple medical functionality. It aims to create a true living space in symbiosis with the existing city. The historic hospital buildings are rehabilitated and integrated into a respectful urban fabric, while making room for contemporary architecture that draws on the memory of the place. The historic pavilions, Larmant and Gérard, connected by a continuous gallery, become the architectural heart of the new district, thus revealing the heritage value of the site.
Similarly, this new architectural program aims to bring a social and commercial dimension to the heart of the project. The ground floors of the buildings will be animated by a varied commercial offer, thus promoting the animation and vitality of the neighborhood. Public spaces are designed to encourage exchanges and encounters, thus reinforcing the sense of belonging to a living and dynamic community. Clos Saint-Louis also stands out for its commitment to sustainable development and the well-being of its inhabitants. The design of the district incorporates eco-district principles, emphasizing environmental preservation, the creation of green spaces and energy sobriety. This global approach aims to create a healthy and balanced living environment, in line with the values of well-being and quality of life carried by the Saint-Germain-en-Laye hospital. This historic site has inspired the construction of the new Clos Saint-Louis district as a harmonious living space, respectful of its history, its environment and the needs of its inhabitants.
How does the Clos Saint-Louis project adopt a sustainable approach at the heart of its architectural program?

The architectural project of Clos Saint-Louis stands as a model of an eco-district centered on well-being, adopting a sustainable approach on several levels. First, it fully integrates environmental aspects through a holistic vision, taking into account coordination, living environment, territorial development and climate issues. This transversal approach ensures global coherence in the design of the district, thus guaranteeing sustainable solutions adapted to the long term. In terms of energy, the project adopts an exemplary approach to energy sobriety. It relies on bioclimatic principles to design energy-efficient buildings, while connecting to decarbonized energy sources such as the urban biomass heat network. This desire to reduce the carbon footprint is part of a broader vision of sustainable development, in line with international objectives such as the Paris agreements.
Moreover, the district positions itself as a resilient eco-district in the face of risks related to climate change. Measures are taken to anticipate and mitigate the risks of floods, heat waves and diminishing water resources, thus guaranteeing the safety and well-being of inhabitants in a constantly evolving environment. The Clos Saint-Louis project stands out for its commitment to the environment through obtaining the most demanding environmental certifications and labels. From BBCA certification to Biodivercity labeling and HQE standards, it sets an example to follow for future urban projects, harmoniously combining urban development and respect for the environment. The program also calls on other demanding energy standards such as OSMOZ, BREEAM very good, and E+C- labels, which allow it to justify this desire to adopt a sustainable approach at the heart of the project.
Indeed, concerning the construction of its housing, the project exceeds the requirements of current regulatory standards in terms of housing. The Armagis residences meet RT 2012 -20% and aim for NF Habitat HQE E3C1, guaranteeing comfort and energy performance for all housing within the district. Moreover, in order to develop the ecological assets of the former hospital site, Ogic and Marignan rely on the BiodierCity label to design a district that welcomes and respects biodiversity.
Furthermore, Clos Saint-Louis aims for exemplary energy sobriety with performances focused on four main actions:
- Design economical buildings through a bioclimatic approach.
- Connect to the biomass heat network and complement it with decarbonized energy present on site.
- Become a reference in low-carbon design, in continuity with the Paris agreements.
- Support users to make them responsible and integrate them into the ecological process.

How does the Clos Saint-Louis project adopt a landscape dimension and urban articulation in its program while respecting the enhancement of heritage?
The Clos Saint-Louis project embodies a balanced approach between urban development, heritage preservation and landscape integration, thus demonstrating a particular attention to the harmony between man, architecture and nature.

The enhancement of heritage appears as a necessity and a priority of the project. It involves the creation of large public spaces as well as the creation of connecting buildings whose transparencies reveal the old buildings while reflecting them. Indeed, the district is part of an approach to enhance heritage, by preserving and rehabilitating historic buildings, such as the Lamant and Gérard pavilions of the former Saint-Germain-en-Laye hospital. These buildings, connected by a continuous gallery, thus become the architectural heart of the new district, testifying to its past while harmoniously integrating into the new urban fabric. Similarly, the Water Tower block symbolizes the union between past and present. Existing constructions, such as the water towers and the cinema and hotel buildings, are integrated into a new volumetry that reflects the architectural richness of the site. A copper canopy connects these different elements, thus creating an aesthetic and functional unity that underlines the importance of built heritage in urban development. In parallel, the project integrates an essential landscape dimension, with the creation of generous and varied green spaces. From private collective gardens to green roof terraces, through green alleys and micro-islands of freshness along the water line, the Clos Saint-Louis district is endowed with a green and soothing living environment, thus promoting the well-being of its inhabitants.
More articlesMore articlesThis landscape integration is not limited to a simple aesthetic aspect, it also participates in the urban articulation of the district. Indeed, green spaces and landscaping play a crucial role in creating varied urban sequences, offering meeting and relaxation places while structuring the urban space. Moreover, the emphasis on greening helps to mitigate urban heat islands and promote biodiversity, thus creating a balance between urbanism and nature. The project implementation strategy pays particular attention to the plant dimension. First of all because urban planning rules involve the creation of a vast garden space. On the other hand, because the site presents an existing tree heritage that includes remarkable trees that the agency wishes to enhance and densify with new tree plantations ensuring good renewal in the long term. As a result, particular vigilance is maintained regarding the preservation and recreation of full ground spaces, which are the only guarantees for the full development and sustainability of tree plantings. In this spirit, the management of flows and access to the various programmatic elements will be done through careful treatment of the ground. The redesign of mixed and soft circulations combined with the presence of passages, vegetated open spaces and water will contribute to the feeling of well-being. In summary, the Clos Saint-Louis project manages to skillfully reconcile the preservation of architectural heritage, landscape integration and urban articulation. By enhancing historic buildings, creating attractive green spaces and structuring urban space around nature, this new project offers a harmonious and sustainable living environment, in line with the needs and aspirations of the inhabitants.

How does biodiversity contribute to the development of this new eco-district?
The development of the new Clos Saint-Louis eco-district revolves around an integrated vision of biodiversity, playing a central role in the design and realization of this flagship project of the agency. Biodiversity is considered an essential pillar of urban design, with the objective of creating a harmonious balance between the built and natural environment. Generous green spaces, interior gardens and green roofs provide habitats conducive to local flora and fauna, thus promoting the preservation and development of urban ecosystems. Moreover, greening plays a crucial role in promoting biodiversity. By favoring a positive biodiversity approach, the Clos Saint-Louis project aims to create lush and diverse green spaces that not only enrich the urban environment, but also promote cohabitation between the different green spaces that make up this eco-district.
In addition, the ecological management of these spaces and water resources contributes to the preservation of biodiversity. The implementation of sustainable practices such as rainwater management, gray water reuse and planting of native species promotes the regeneration of local ecosystems. This approach thus helps to strengthen resilience to climate change. Furthermore, biodiversity is also integrated into the architectural and landscape design of the district. Generous public spaces and vegetated islands offer ecological corridors that promote species circulation and connectivity between different habitats, thus contributing to the preservation of biological diversity. The Clos Saint-Louis project is committed to raising awareness and involving residents in the protection of biodiversity. Awareness initiatives, such as educational programs and community participation activities, are put in place to encourage residents to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors and actively contribute to the preservation of local biodiversity.
This biological diversity occupies a central place in the development of the new Clos Saint-Louis eco-district, as a driver of environmental, social and economic sustainability. By integrating principles of ecological design, resource management and community awareness, this project is part of a holistic approach aimed at creating a resilient and harmonious urban environment.