Upside in Nanterre: an innovative project combining well-being, sustainability and energy performance, presented in the Sustainable Building series
Our project aims to enhance the attractiveness of the site and the city, improve the living environment of its inhabitants, restructure the urban fabric and promote social and urban diversity.

Bechu & Associés innovative mixed-use project in Nanterre
The architectural firm Bechu & Associés presents Upside, a 20,000 m² mixed-use real estate complex located in Nanterre, won during a competition launched by Bouygues Immobilier in 2015.
This project is part of the second phase of a 76,000 m² complex developed by the public development establishment La Défense Seine-Arche (Epadesa).
When architecture combines ecology and quality of life.

Upside was designed to offer a unique working and living environment, focusing on user well-being. Luminosity, vegetation, flexibility, air quality and services were at the heart of the architectural reflection, thus responding to the evolution of users' expectations in terms of comfort and quality of life.
The project also stands out for its commitment to sustainable construction. Entirely designed to be BEPOS (Positive Energy Building), 65% of the resources necessary for its operation are produced by renewable energies, including a photovoltaic canopy on the roof. Upside is certified BREEAM, Green Office, BEPOS, Certivea, HQE and BiodiverCity, testifying to its environmental excellence.

Bechu & Associés architectural link in Nanterre.

Beyond its intrinsic qualities, Upside contributes to creating synergies for living together within an eco-district. It provides the link between the Terrasses and the Cité des Provinces françaises, while opening up to the university located on the other side of the railway tracks.

Dive into the sustainable innovation of Bechu & Associés.
Delivered in 2020, Upside embodies Bechu & Associés vision for a sustainable future and responsible real estate, serving the well-being of all.
To learn more about this innovative project, we invite you to discover the latest episode of the Sustainable Building episode 3 series dedicated to Upside. This video highlights the different aspects of the project, with insights from experts such as Sonia Da Silva, Nicolas Rousseau and Cyril de Besche de Besombes, as well as the eloquent presentation by Alice Vachet.
Link to the first episode:
Link to the second episode:
Link to the last episode: